A handbag is a women’s travelling closet.From the house keys, mobile, make up and what have you in the bag. Its a whole wide world in there. I, for one never seem to be comfortable with a small purse. Except for parties and weddings,where smaller purses and Clutches
For me quality of a bag is important. Since,leather bags are a definite no no, I usually opt for the ones that come in faux pas or leather imitations, jute and other environment friendly material.I love going through a good handbag Collection
A handbag that one carries around reflects ones personality and moods. But that does not mean that we carry a bag what we feel at that moment. It should really suit the environment that we are in. Just because we are happy and high spirited especially when the weekend is around, does not mean we walk into office with a party purse. Bags for parties
Now a days specially designed Handbags For office
Care for your handbags!
Buying bags is not enough, they must be maintained. It is wise to wipe the bag with a moist soft cloth once in a while to remove stains. Patent leather bags may be cleaned with vinegar diluted in water,spray glass cleaner or non-acetone polish remover.
To maintain the shape of a bag, especially the big ones, one should stuff it with newspaper or any soft material.Bags usually come with a dust bag– keep them!
If you have a shelf or a flat ledge, keep your purses there because that way you don’t stretch the handles and it’s protected from accidental spills!
If you are caught in the rain, you go home and dry yourself.. do the same to your bag. Do not dry it in the sun directly. The best way is to let it dry in the shade.
If its a leather bag,moisturize it with a leather conditioning cream to prevent cracks appearing at the base.
Ethinic bags or bags with embellishments, swarovski crystals and beads need that love too.They should be kept separately wrapped in soft tissue paper.